Selecting the right window coverings for my bedroom has been a dating vs. marriage experience. I've been searching for a long time and was seduced by a number of modern graphic contenders. If it wasn't for the exchange rate (about $2 USD = $1 UK), I surely would have gone with these
gorgeous graphic shades by
Love is Blind. Get them from
Bodie and Fou:

I also considered these lovely
Chilewich woodgrain roller shades and ruled them out because
vinyl is just so toxically bad for the environment. Besides, I also didn't want to have to deal with any potential off-gassing smells in the room where I sleep. I also liked the idea behind
Elina Aalto's city silhouette blackout shades, and ruled those out as well because of the vinyl-factor:

In the end, I decided to go with a much more classic solution that still has a clean look to it:
Hunter Douglas Duettes with a top-down-bottom up option. While it didn't initially look as snazzy, these honeycombs offer a whole lot more flexibility when it comes to controlling light and with various choices for single, double, or triple-cell construction, will also reduce energy bills and offer some sound absorption. There's also an Architella version that's super energy-efficient. And there are some cord options like UltraGlide or LiteRise, which will either retract or eliminate dangling cords for households with children and pets. A number of places online sells these and I found the best prices for mine at
Shades Shutters Blinds.